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It was in Antioch the disciples of Christ were first called christians by the people of that city who probably had been in contact with the Lord Jesus Christ's way of life.
They showed the fact that they had followed the working life of Jesus among the people.And this was why when they saw the way the disciples were doing things and interacting among the people,they found no difference from the way of that of the Lord,hitherto,they said these were 'small christs',and they called them christians.Acts.11:26.
Like His Father,Christ Jesus loved all and showed compassion to all without discriminating.He lived to serve rather than to be served.In practical,he showed how love should be.
He preached the good news of salvation to all,Matt.5:1-2.He fed them without demanding a shikel,Matt.15:32-38 and heal their sicknesses without asking them to give him anything donation.Lk.4:40.He does not upturn the government law,he paid his tax and that of his disciples as a law abinding citizen of his earthly country.Matt.22:19-21.And after him,the apostles lived likewise.
Christ Jesus laid the pattern and the apostles followed it,Jn.15:13;Acts.2:44-47,just as he had earlier encouraged the would be believers to live in the service to others, and "By this all men will know that you are my disciples,if you love one another.Jn.13:35.
It should not be forgotten that God can meet the needs of others through you.
There are many ways in which a christian faithful can serve others in his given comunity.
It can be in schools,hospitals,the churches,prison yards,orphanage,old people's homes,and above all sharing and given to others.
All it required is asking for the Holy Spirit's power to drive one to the right direction to get the Antioch's label given to the earlier apostles.